
Opening hours & meeting dates during the lecture-free period in WS 2024/2025

Dear students,

it's that time again. The lecture period of the summer semester is coming to an end and the exam period begins. We will continue to offer office hours during this time, where you can ask questions about your studies or simply borrow exam transcripts.

Dates of office hours:

  • 19.02.2025
  • 05.03.2025
  • 19.03.2025
  • 02.04.2025
  • 16.04.2025

Student Council meetings are also held during the semester break, but just like office hours, only on a biweekly basis. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m., except for the O-Phase meeting.

Dates of the meetings:

  • 19.02.2025, starting 19:30
  • 05.03.2025, starting 19:30
  • 19.03.2025, starting 19:30
  • 02.04.2025, starting 19:30
  • 16.04.2025, starting 19:30

We wish you good luck with your exams!

Press release: Students demonstrate against the relocation of the Physics department to the North Campus

đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș German version only:

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Fachschaft Physik am KIT und der Verfassten Studierendenschaft des KIT

Studierende demonstrieren gegen Verlagerung der Physik an den Campus Nord

Am Donnerstag, den 12.12.2024, protestieren Studierende des Karlsruher Instituts fĂŒr Technologie (KIT) auf dem Campus SĂŒd gegen die geplante Verlagerung der Physikinstitute an den Campus Nord. Der Umzug wĂŒrde gravierende Nachteile fĂŒr Forschung, Lehre und das studentische Leben mit sich bringen.

Hintergrund der Proteste
Das KIT plant, die Physikinstitute an den ĂŒber zehn Kilometer entfernten Campus Nord zu verlegen, was gravierende Einschnitte fĂŒr Forschung, Lehre und das studentische Leben bedeuten wĂŒrde. Der Campus SĂŒd stellt den zentralen Ort des studentischen Lebens am KIT dar. Die FakultĂ€t Physik hat mehrfach betont, dass ein solcher Umzug gravierende Probleme verursachen wĂŒrde:

  • Pendeln und Zeitverlust: Eine Trennung von Forschung und Lehre wĂŒrde regelmĂ€ĂŸiges Pendeln zwischen den Standorten erforderlich machen. Die bisherige ÖPNV-Anbindung reicht dafĂŒr nicht aus und erfordert hohe Zusatzinvestitionen, welche nicht vorgesehen sind. Bis zu 10 % der Arbeitszeit von Dozierenden könnten durch das Pendeln verloren gehen.
  • SchwĂ€chung der akademischen Gemeinschaft: Der enge Austausch zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden wĂ€re stark erschwert. FakultĂ€tsweite Veranstaltungen wie Kolloquien und Seminare könnten nur eingeschrĂ€nkt stattfinden.

„Dass die GebĂ€ude der Physik in marodem Zustand sind, ist seit langem bekannt. Passiert ist jedoch nichts. Jetzt sollen die Physiker den Preis fĂŒr die UntĂ€tigkeit des PrĂ€sidiums bezahlen!“ sagt Tim Leidel, Vorstandsmitglied der Fachschaft Physik. „Ein solcher Umzug hĂ€tte katastrophale Folgen fĂŒr unser akademisches Leben und die QualitĂ€t von Forschung und Lehre.“

Tobias Deeg, Vorsitzender der Verfassten Studierendenschaft (AStA) des KIT, ergĂ€nzt: „Unser großer Standortvorteil ist die zentrale Lage des Campus SĂŒd. Wenn StudiengĂ€nge und FakultĂ€ten ausgelagert werden, bezahlen Generationen von Studierenden den Preis, weil sie aus dem universellen Campusleben herausgerissen werden.“

Neben der Physik könnten in den kommenden 20 Jahren auch andere FakultĂ€ten vom Campus SĂŒd an den Campus Nord verlagert werden. Dies wĂŒrde nicht nur das studentische Leben, sondern die gesamte universitĂ€re Gemeinschaft nachhaltig verĂ€ndern und die AttraktivitĂ€t des KIT als Studien- und Forschungsstandort gefĂ€hrden.

Greta Heine, Mitglied des KIT-Senats und Vorstandsmitglied des Doktorandenkonvents Physik, erklĂ€rt: „Seit Jahren unterbreiten wir konkrete VorschlĂ€ge, um die Physik am Campus SĂŒd zu erhalten. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Alternativen am Campus SĂŒd ernsthaft geprĂŒft werden. Deshalb wollen wir gemeinsam mit dem PrĂ€sidium an Lösungen arbeiten, um zu einem besseren Ergebnis fĂŒr uns alle zu kommen."

Das Studierendenparlament des KIT hat sich bereits am 19.11.2024 deutlich gegen die PlĂ€ne ausgesprochen (Weitere Infos). Mit der Demonstration fordern die Studierenden, dass die Interessen der FakultĂ€t Physik und der gesamten Studierendenschaft in die Planungen einbezogen und tragfĂ€hige Alternativen fĂŒr den Verbleib am Campus SĂŒd entwickelt werden.

Die Demonstration richtet sich an das KIT-PrĂ€sidium. Sie beginnt am Donnerstag, den 12.12.2024, um 13.30 Uhr vor dem Physikflachbau (Engesserstraße 7) am Campus SĂŒd. Die Kundgebung wurde organisiert, um auf die ungelöste bauliche Situation und die fehlende BerĂŒcksichtigung studentischer Interessen aufmerksam zu machen.

It‘s not Rocket Science!? - Faszination der Photochemie

Mehr Informationen findet ihr hier

Newsletter Oktober 2024

Welcome (back) to the Flachbau, the wonder of Karlsruhe and hopefully soon a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its unique air quality.

If you're starting fresh or suffering from early-onset dementia caused by PCB, don’t worry: All important information has been compiled for you in the First-Year Info available at

If your attention span isn't long enough for that, you can also read this newsletter instead (german only).

Opening hours & meeting dates during the lecture-free period in SS 2024

Dear students,

it's that time again. The lecture period of the summer semester is coming to an end and the exam period begins. We will continue to offer office hours during this time, where you can ask questions about your studies or simply borrow exam transcripts.

Dates of office hours:

  • 14.08.2024
  • 28.08.2024
  • 11.09.2024
  • 25.09.2024
  • 09.10.2024

Student Council meetings are also held during the semester break, but just like office hours, only on a biweekly basis. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m., except for the O-Phase meeting.

Dates of the meetings:

  • 14.08.2024, starting 19:30
  • 28.08.2024, starting 19:30
  • 11.09.2024, starting 19:30
  • 25.09.2024, starting 19:30
  • 09.10.2024, starting 19:30
  • 16.10.2024, starting 19:00 (O-Phasensitzung)

We wish you good luck with your exams!


Newsletter Juli 2024

Es ist Juli und endlich wieder Zeit euer vornehmstes Recht als Physikstudierende wahrzunehmen. Den Newsletter lesen! Aber wer will, kann natĂŒrlich auch an den VS Wahlen teilnehmen. Details dazu wie immer im neuen Newsletter.

Newsletter Juli 2024

Viele GrĂŒĂŸe

Euer Schefredaktör

It‘s not Rocket Science - Grenzen des Machbaren: Von KristallzĂŒchtung zur Laserphysik

IRIS Pilot Project


This semester, the student council, in collaboration with the ETP, is launching a pilot project called IRIS (Independent Research and Innovation for Students).

The goal of the project is to support and, if possible, implement smaller research ideas from us students. If you have ever had an innovative idea while studying physics but had to abandon it due to lack of resources, now is your chance.

Possible projects could look like this:

- Do you have an idea on how to reduce the measurement error of a lab experiment through a new approach?

- Do you have a simple solution for a ubiquitous problem in research?

- Have you come up with a cost-effective solution for a known experiment?

- Do you have an idea on how to investigate an open research question?

- Do you have an idea for a program that simplifies data analysis?

Then apply to IRIS! Describe your idea in the application form and send it to You can find the application form on our website:

Do you not have your own idea but are still interested in the project?

Luckily, research is a team effort. If someone needs support with their idea, you are warmly welcome.

Are you interested but still unsure whether you want to participate?

In any case, sign up by email ( to receive the latest information.

We invite all interested people to an information meeting.

The current plan for research of your project is to take place during the lecture-free period of this summer semester at dates to be arranged.

You have until July 12th to submit your idea. It will be evaluated by Prof. Klute and Prof. Ferber. After that, you should develop a detailed project plan so you can work on your project with the provided resources in August.

For a complete description of the pilot project, feel free to visit the website:

If you have any questions, you can simply contact us by email ( These messages go only to us and not yet to the professors.

Best regards,

Marcus, Vanessa, and Sören

PS: If your idea is suitable, there is the possibility of turning it into a master's or bachelor's thesis.

Survey 'Physiker*innen im Beruf'

We are pleased that so many of you came to 'Physiker*innen im Beruf'.

We would like to ask you to take part in the following survey ( to share your impressions and wishes about the event with us:

Save the Date: Physiker*innen im Beruf 2024 - 24.06.2024

Save the Date: Physiker*innen im Beruf findet auch in diesem Jahr im gewohnten Format statt! Wir freuen uns auf euch.

Plakat zur Veranstaltung 'Physiker:innen im Beruf'. Entahltene Informationen: Datum: 24.07.2024 ab 17:30 Uhr im Gaede Hörsaal. Das Format beinhaltet Elevator Pitches und ein Get-together in entspannter AthmosphĂ€re. Es wird getrĂ€nke zum Fachschaftspreis geben, sowie Snacks fĂŒr alle Teilnehmenden

It‘s not Rocket Science - ZellulĂ€re Mechanobiologie, ZellkrĂ€fte messen und warum?

Vortrag von Prof. Bastmeyer ZellulÀre Mechanobiologie, am Mittwoch 19.06.17:30 Uhr im Lehmann-Hörsaal. Der Vortrag bietet Einblicke in Einblicke in die Funktion und Pathologie von Geweben Einfluss auf das Zellverhalten und die molekularen Mechanismen, die die Ausbildung von intrazellulÀren KrÀften steuern.

It‘s not Rocket Science - Unsichtbare Revolution: Teilchenbeschleuniger - und wo sie zu finden sind

It‘s not Rocket Science - ChatGPT, wie wird das Wetter morgen?


It‘s not Rocket Science - Die Quantenwelt entdecken: kĂŒnstliche Quantensysteme in Aktion

Zusatzsprechstunde zum Thema "Bachelorarbeiten"

It's Not Rocket Science: Nanotechnology - Essential for Innovative Research.

The lecture is held in German.

More information can be found here: Mentoring

Zusatzsprechstunde zum Thema "mĂŒndliche PrĂŒfungen"

Offene Hiwi-Stelle - Mentoring - sozial, Uni-nah und selbstverwaltet


Wir haben ein Jobangebot fĂŒr Euch!

Du suchst den richtigen Hiwi-Job fĂŒr dich?
Das Mentorenteam sucht VerstÀrkung!

Du willst RocketScience VortrĂ€ge organisieren, Studierenden beim Studienstart und darĂŒber hinaus helfen?
Hast du eigene Ideen was du fĂŒr einen guten Studienstart gebraucht hĂ€ttest und möchtest diese Umsetzen?

Wir hören gerne von dir und beantworten gerne alle Fragen zum Job:

Eure Mentoren

Master Orientation Day 11.04.2024


you want to start to study physics, geophysics, meteorology or teaching physics in the master in Karlsruhe in the summer term 2024? In order to make your start at KIT easier and to answer questions we organize an orientation day. We would like to invite you to this event. For further details, please refer to the appendix. Orientationday summer term 2024


Prof-Café am 25.01. um 15 Uhr im CFN-Foyer

Wir möchten euch herzlich zum Prof-CafĂ© am 25.01. einladen und sind wie immer auf eure UnterstĂŒtzung angewiesen, um die Veranstaltung zu einem Erfolg zu machen. Wir benötigen wieder leckere Kuchen und wĂŒrden uns freuen, wenn ihr euch in die Kuchenliste eintragt. Die Liste hĂ€ngt im Sumpf aus.

FĂŒr jeden mitgebrachten Kuchen erstatten wir euch gerne bis zu 5€, wenn ihr am 25.01. bis spĂ€testens 14:45 Uhr den Kuchen bei der Fachschaft abgebt. Vergesst nicht, den Kassenzettel inklusive eurer IBAN mitzubringen, um die Erstattung zu erhalten.

Alternativ freuen wir uns auch ĂŒber gespendete Kuchen. Jede Hilfe ist willkommen!

Wir bedanken uns im Voraus fĂŒr eure UnterstĂŒtzung und freuen uns auf euer Kommen.

Eure Mentoren und die Fachschaft


Musik-Quiz am 23.01. um 19 Uhr im Gaede-Foyer

Opening hours & meeting dates during the lecture-free period in SS 2023

Dear students,

it's that time again. The lecture period of the summer semester is coming to an end and the exam period begins. We will continue to offer office hours between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm during this time, where you can ask questions about your studies or simply borrow exam transcripts.

Dates of office hours:

  • 02.08.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 16.08.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 30.08.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 13.09.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 27.09.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 11.10.2023, 14:00 till 15:00
  • 18.10.2023, 14:00 till 15:00

Student Council meetings are also held during the semester break, but just like office hours, only on a biweekly basis. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m., except for the O-Phase meeting.

Dates of the meetings:

  • 02.08.2023, starting 19:30
  • 16.08.2023, starting 19:30
  • 30.08.2023, starting 19:30
  • 13.09.2023, starting 19:30
  • 27.09.2023, starting 19:30
  • 11.10.2023, starting 19:30
  • 18.10.2023, starting 19:00 (O-Phasensitzung)

We wish you good luck with your exams!

It‘s not Rocket Science - On the evidence of active magma upwellings in Germany - when will we have the next eruption here?

More details can be found here.

Physiker*innen im Beruf

For the second time this year Physiker*innen im Beruf will take place on 12.07.2023!

Familiar atmosphere and format - but this time: company representatives based on your feedback from last year.

Among other things, you asked for 'more space stuff', 'more sustainability', 'something for meteos' and 'again similar' to last year and we tried to implement that and now have representatives from


consulting companies,

environmental agency,

technology companies,

Quantum Simulation Start-up,

science communication with Experimenta

and more.

Come by, meet people and learn something about them,

what you can do as a physicist outside academia?

By the way: if you have some extra time on that day, we would be happy to have some helpers to make sandwiches etc. Just get in touch with us. :D

Faculty Party

Have you heard already? On 07.07. from 14 clock finally takes place again a faculty party. Yay🎉🎉

Besides drinks and food, we have a wonderful entertainment program to offer.

It starts with the super talented physicists theater at 14:30, who will perform their favorite scenes for us.

After that there will be a challenge at 15:45 where you can test your skills, creativity and efficiency.

Of course it wouldn't be a FS event without a pub quiz starting at 16:30. So grab your friends and challenge your knowledge.

Then at 18:30 there will be a warm welcome from the faculty and student council. This will be closely followed by a food break with music by Yusuf .

At 20:00 comes the absolute highlight of the evening: Profs DJ đŸŽ€đŸŽ¶ Five profs will demonstrate their DJ skills for you.

The official end is at 23:00

We are very happy if you all come in large numbers and bring lots of good mood.

Your best student council in the world 🩉🩉🩉

It will only be possible to sell with cash.

It‘s not Rocket Science - In the tunnel: Particle physics experiments

The next lecture is coming up. On 05.07. at 17:30 in the Lehmann lecture hall Prof. Husemann will give you an insight into his research.

More information can be found here.


Newsletter Juli 2023

A new Newsletter for July arrived. Sadly, it's only in German :(

But look at it anyway, there are pretty pictures:

07.23 Juli Newsletter

It‘s not Rocket Science - Ein Streifzug durch die Quantenoptik von Schrödingers Katze zum Quanteninternet

Mehr Informationen findet ihr hier!


On Wednesday at 3 p.m. there will be another Prof-Café.

We will set up seating outside (if the weather is bad in the CFN foyer) and get together with a few professors for coffee and cake.

During the event you can talk to your professors and learn more about their experiences and research. This is a great opportunity to explore your academic interests and make valuable contacts.

Profs from APH, ETP, IAP, ITP, PHI, TFP and TKM will be present.

There is a list for the cakes in the student council, in which hopefully some of you will add your name so that there will be enough cake for everyone.

We look forward to your appearance.

Promovieren - Ja oder Nein?

Bist du hin- und hergerissen und ĂŒberlegst, ob eine Promotion das Richtige fĂŒr dich ist? Oder hast du noch viele unbeantwortete Fragen dazu? Keine Sorge! Komm zu unserem Event "Promovieren ja oder nein?" am 06.06. um 17:30 Uhr im Gaede-Hörsaal. Dort stehen Doktoranden der Physik-FakultĂ€t bereit, um all deine Fragen zu beantworten. Wir werden alle relevanten Themen wie Finanzierung, Publikationsdruck, Lehre usw. besprechen.

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr alle zahlreich erscheint.


Newsletter June 2023

Fresh newsletter đŸ„ł

But only in German :(

Newsletter Juni 2023

It‘s not Rocket Science

More informations can be found here!


You want to experience a funny evening with your friends and test your music knowledge at the same time? Then come to the Gaede Foyer on 11.05. at 7 pm.

Newsletter - May 2023 [German Only]

This (currently German-only) newsletter holds current information about upcoming events in the following months.

Newsletter Mai 2023

Search for a new logo!

Dear students,

after a long time the decision has been made to create a new logo for the student council. This should not only make the student council more modern, but also lay the foundation for new t-shirts. Since you are all part of the student council and are represented at the university by the members of the student council, we would like to involve you all in this process by means of a logo competition.

Here are the details of the logo competition:

You are allowed to be creative and come up with suggestions for a new logo. We, the student council, have four small requirements for the logo, but they should not limit you. Until 31.05.2023 you can submit your logo via email to including the logo as a file attachment. If you have any questions, we can be reached at about this topic. If there are still questions whose answers are relevant to everyone, we will also communicate this via physics-l and also keep the post on our website updated on this. Details on the further selection process will be available as soon as the submission phase is over.

We have the following requirements for a new logo:

- The new logo should be a vector graphic to meet the dynamic requirements of web & print

- The new logo should also look good in monochromatic representation, like a b/w printout

- The new logo should not be too detailed, so that it looks good in small sizes on the web (like 1cm x 1cm) or even advertising banners (like 1m x 1m)

- The new logo may have any shape, but should also look good in a round circle (for example, for an Instagram professional photo)

We are already very excited about your submissions!

It‘s not Rocket Science - Unveiling of the universes secrets: The fascinating world of Higgs physics

On May 3rd, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Lehmann lecture hall

Click here for more information

Newsletter - MĂ€rz 2023

Der zweite Newsletter dieses Jahres beinhaltet wichtige Informationen ĂŒber den anstehenden Contest zur Überarbeitung unseres Fachschafts-Logos. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Newsletter MĂ€rz 2023

Opening hours & meeting dates during the lecture-free period in WS 2022/2023

Dear students,

It's that time again. The lecture period of the winter semester is coming to an end and the exam period begins. We will continue to offer office hours between 14:00 o'clock and 15:00 o'clock during this time, where you can ask questions about your studies or simply borrow exam transcripts.

Dates of office hours:

  • 01.03.2023, 14:00 to 15:00
  • 15.03.2023, 14:00 to 15:00
  • 29.03.2023, 14:00 to 15:00
  • 12.04.2023, 14:00 to 15:00

The student council meeting also takes place during the lecture-free period, but just like the office hours, only every two weeks. The meetings start at 19:30.

Dates of the meetings:

  • 01.03.2023, starting at 19:30
  • 15.03.2023, starting at 19:30
  • 29.03.2023, starting at 19:30
  • 12.04.2023, starting at 19:30

We wish you much success in your exams!

It‘s not Rocket Science - Kosmischen Leichtgewichten auf der Spur

Am 08.02.23 um 17:30 im Lehmann-Hörsaal

Link zu den Details

Newsletter - January 2023 [German]

2023's first newsletter has been published. Unfortunately, it is only available in German.

Newsletter Januar 2023

New Website

You are probably a bit surprised about the appearance of this page, but after a long time of development, the physics department has a new website. Of course, not all content is there yet, but the most important should be there and more content will follow.

Admin-Team of the Physics Student Council