The Student Counsel


You can see an overview of all active members as well as their functions on the following overview page:

The Fachschaftssitzung

The Fachschaftssitzung (student council meeting) takes place every Wednesday at 19:30 in the Fachschaft (building 30.22 room FE-15 of KIT) (irregularly during the semester break), to which you are cordially invited! At the meeting we discuss all important things. This includes reports from the committees and all current activities.

The write up from previous student council meetings can be found here, but are unfortunately only available in German.


Faculty Council

The Faculty Council (Fakultätsrat) is the most important body of the faculty. It decides on all matters of teaching and research in the faculty. It consists of representatives of the professors, the employed persons and the students.

According to the State University Act (Landeshochschulgesetzt, LHG), the professors have at least a 50% + 1 vote majority. We students are moderately represented in terms of numbers with five people with voting rights and one person with an advisory function. However, we have the right to have a say and make frequent use of it. We consult at the student council meeting about what we say and on which agenda items.

The faculty council meets monthly during the lecture period. The public part of the minutes is posted on the faculty notice board in the entrance area of the Physik-Hochhaus.

The student representatives on the Faculty Council are elected for one year by the students of the faculty during the elections in the summer semester.

Study Commission

The Study Commission (Studienkommision) is the body of the faculty that deals with the issues of teaching and studying.

It consists of four representatives of the professors, two representatives of the staff and four representatives from the student body. These majority ratios make the commission very important from a student perspective.

The above-mentioned majority ratios make it possible for us to discuss topics that are important to us, such as the evaluation results, here. The chair of the Study Commission reports on the meetings in the Faculty Council and introduces the proposals and wishes of the commission there.

The Study Commission meets regularly before the meetings of the Faculty Council.

The student representatives on the Study Commission are appointed at the student council meeting and confirmed by the Faculty Council. The respective topics are discussed at the student council meetings.

Examination Board

The examination board decides on all matters relating to the implementation of the examination regulations.

You have to contact this committee if you want to get things approved in connection with exams (e.g. new minor subjects, recognition of achievements that were not completed at the faculty, extension of the processing time for the Bachelor's/Master's thesis, ...). It is also responsible for interpreting the examination regulations and decides on Härtefall applications.

It consists of three representatives of the professors, one representative of the staff and two of the students. Student representation is agreed upon at the student council meeting.

Appeals Commissions

The appointment committees decide with whom vacant professorships are to be filled. For each vacancy there is a commission in which the students are represented by two members.

When a professorship is to be filled, an appointment committee is set up. Members of this appointment committee are representatives of the professors of the respective faculty as well as from other faculties, two members from the student body and several members of the academic staff. In addition, one person from outside as well as the KIT Equal Opportunities Officer are members. The procedure is regularly reported on in the Faculty Council. The commission first advertises the position. Then, from the list of applicants, some (about 6) are invited to give presentations. Of these, a selection is again made, and expert opinions (individual and comparative) are then obtained. On the basis of the impression gained in this way, the committee draws up a list which is then submitted to the Faculty Council for a decision. Afterwards, the divisional council and the senate, a university-wide body, must decide on it. Then the list is processed, i.e. first place 1 is asked whether he or she accepts the position, then 2 and so on. If none of the people on the list accept the position, the list is blown and a new list has to be drawn up. The whole procedure is confidential. The presentations will of course take place in public, but are not marked as appointment presentations.

Student representation is determined at the student council meeting.

It is important to the student council that qualifications in relation to teaching are strongly considered in the order.

Student representation will be determined when the committee is assembled.


The Admins of the Student Council take care of the computer infrastructure of the Student Council. This of course includes this website, the platform services of the student council and much more, which runs on one of our administered servers.

We also look after the two office computers of the student council, which also run Linux, the printer and some of the network technology. We not only run a number of different services (wiki system, mail server, websites, messenger and much more), but are also active in software development. We not only use open source software, but also contribute to it in the form of merge requests, issues and bug reports. In addition to this, we also have a lively exchange with other committees at KIT, such as the administrators in the AStA or the admin of the faculty, in order to always be up to date.

If we have aroused your interest and you are interested in participating, please get in touch with us in the student council or send an email to .

Student Council Conference

Representatives of all student representatives and the AStA meet weekly at the Student Council Conference (FSK). The student council conference primarily serves as a forum for communication between the student councils. Often similar problems arise in different student councils, which can be solved more quickly and easily through an exchange of experiences. In addition, the Student Council Conference also has a suspensive veto right with regard to the decisions of the student parliament (StuPa). It is therefore also a supervisory body of the student parliament.

The Student Council Conference meetings take place during the lecture period every Tuesday at 17:30 in the Learning Centre at the Fasanenschlösschen.

Commission for Young Academics

The Commission for Young Academics (Kommision für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, KWN) proposes young academics to the Faculty Council for support.

We are represented on this commission by a student member. The students' positions are agreed at the student council meeting.

Divisional Council

In addition to the division into faculties, KIT also has a division into areas. Most of the institutes of the Faculty of Physics belong to Area V: Physics and Mathematics, although some of those assigned to the Faculty of Physics are also found in Area IV: Natural and Built Environment.

Each area has a divisional head and a divisional council. Students are represented on the divisional council. Area V has a student representative with voting rights and another student guest.

The divisional council mainly deals with research and funding issues. Major research proposals such as special research areas (SFB) or graduate colleges (GK) are discussed here as well as the status and development of the Helmholtz programmes and appointments.

The Divisional Council usually meets monthly and keeps non-public protocols.


The equal opportunities representatives of the physics student council are your contact persons if you are treated unfairly for reasons of sexism, racism or inclusion. You are welcome to send us an email to or come to the student council so that we can look for a solution together.

The constituted student body

You can find all important information about the student body, the AStA and all other committees on the following subpage:

Student Council Regulations

All information about our student council regulations can be found on the following sub-page: