IRIS Project


Welcome to IRIS - Independent Research & Innovation for Students! This pilot initiative is here to help BSc and MSc students create and explore their own unique short-term research or innovation projects. IRIS projects are all about your ideas, driven by you (or your group), and is an easy approach into initiating research.

Open to all enthusiastic students, IRIS offers a fantastic opportunity to develop your research interests and gain valuable experience. Projects may even evolve into a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, offering indirect contributions to your academic journey!

Who can apply for IRIS?

All keen BSc and MSc students at KIT are welcome to apply, regardless of their experience level.

When does the IRIS program take place?

The application period ends 12th of July , while the active project period runs from August until start of November .

What is the group size for IRIS projects?

Projects can be proposed by individuals or groups of up to four students.

Even if I don´t have an idea, can I also take part ?

Yes, anyone who wants to work on a project can apply.

Who do I contact for further inquiries and to submit forms?

For submissions , correspondence or questions please email us over :

We´re looking forward to your submissions!


