

Finding the practice sheets too challenging? Not in the mood for it? Have questions?

Just drop by and chat:

Tuesdays, 1 PM during lecture hours

On the second floor of the high-rise building, Room 2/1

The next RocketScience lecture:

07/03/2024: Prof. Eichhorn (IRS/OPTRONIK)

Hey there! Are you new to physics?

Well, you're in the right place!

Chances are you're also new to KIT and facing a load of new experiences. Information is coming at you from all directions, and everything seems somewhat different and new.

The semester is starting, and you might have questions like:

  • "Is physics the right field for me?"
  • "How do I finance my studies?"
  • "How can I make the most of my time?"
  • And so on...

Regardless of the questions currently on your mind, we - the mentors - are here for you. Each of us has been in the same place you are now, dealing with all those questions and concerns.

We're more than happy to share all our accumulated experiences with you. Whether it's about financial aid, choosing a minor, a frustrating practice sheet, we're here to assist you. You can approach us anytime you see us - don't be shy - or you can also contact us directly through our email addresses (listed below) or send an email to all mentors at

(Also, every Wednesday, there's a mentors' get-together, where you're welcome to approach us. More details can be found below under "I still have a question.")

"What on earth am I supposed to do with the stuff on those practice sheets?"

Well, we asked ourselves that a lot during our first semesters too. That's why we created RocketScience?!

Sometimes, what you're doing might seem strange and pointless, and you wonder if it will ever be useful. We organize events about every 3 weeks, where professors - in plain language that everyone can understand - present their fields and show us where it all leads. Whether it's quantum physics, particle physics, or cosmology, you can get a better, understandable grasp of these perhaps currently abstract areas on these evenings. We'll regularly announce the information about these events and publish it on this website.

After a brief talk, a little get-together and friendly conversation are, of course, encouraged. We, as mentors, will be there too.

"I still have a question..."

You'd like to ask something personal but feel hesitant to approach us in the hustle and bustle of university life? No problem, a few mentors are available every Tuesday from 1 PM for at least 1 hour in Room 2/1 on the second floor of the high-rise building. So, don't worry: you won't be a bother. We're happy to help.

The lectures in the summer term of 2024 are scheduled for the following dates:

  • 05/15/2024: Prof. Goll (CFN)
  • 05/29/2024: Prof. Metelmann (TKM)
  • 06/05/2024: Prof. Knippertz (IMK)
  • 06/12/2024: Prof. Müller (IBPT)
  • 06/19/2024: Prof. Bastmeyer (ZNBio)
  • 07/03/2024: Prof. Eichhorn (IRS)

Note that the lectures are only held in German.

For more information, see the German version.